Edina started to produce art works on the theme of women a few years ago. Her first work on this subject which she produced in 2010 has the title "Farewell" and is based on personal experience. The work is an exploration and processing of a failed in vitro fertilization she went through a few years earlier. The work was in the exhibition “Grenze_n” at the Römer und Bajuwaren Museum Burg Kipfenberg, Germany.
Another recent work is a continuation on that theme, - again autobiographical. "Untitled", composed by vaginal speculum and the phrase "We don't think you understand what we have been through. We don't think ... ". The artist discusses processes through which many women go, when they receive treatment for in vitro fertilization; feelings of fear, guilt, frustration and, above all, loneliness. In this work the text is formed by points, drilled into a wood panel. As in other works on the theme, it is an allusion to the female body, a body, pierced and penetrated by surgical instruments during in vitro treatment. The work won a Prize Aquisation at “Concurso Itamaraty de Arte Contemporánea 2012”, Brasilia, Brazil.
In the assemblage she produced for the exhibition "ShingLe 22j" the Artist works again with the female body, this time with breasts. With the collage "For All Women In The world", composed of breasts protruding from a red surface, the artist shapes a world map and is flooding it with life. The female breast projects in the collective memory feelings of strength, liberty and victory. The gold tone used in the words "Touch me", "Feed me", "Cure me", gives the work an aura of hope. The work was in the exhibition “ShingLe 22j”, Biennial of Contemporary Art of Anzio and Nettuno in 2013 - fourth edition. “Women: products and producers “.